Few building blocks have taken the skincare field by storm, including CBD. If you happen to scrutinize, it is all over: moisturizers, lip balms, sunscreens, and more. However, should one be slathering all these products on their skin?
Cannabidiol is a natural cannabis derivative compound. Several studies suggest that CBD may be helpful for skincare, with a wide range of uses in skin conditions.
Processors can combine oils with CBD, such as coconut or hemp oil, to get CBD oil. One may as well purchase skincare CBD products to use on their skin.
CBD's potential anti-inflammatory nature might be helpful in dealing with skin conditions like acne and eczema.
CBD Patches
CBD patches are topical supplements through which one can get CBD into their body.
CBD Patches- what are they?
A patch is a medicated supplement that is in the form of an adhesive. CBD patches ought to be placed on one's skin. After which, with just one patch, CBD gets into the body's bloodstream. Afterwhich, the body part being targeted will experience the impact of CBD.
The advantage of CBD patches is you have control over the release of CBD. Hence, one has controlled release to avoid overdosing.
Potential Benefits On CBD For Skincare
There aren't many research results available to show CBD's benefits for helping in skin conditions. Scientists continue to spend more time in laboratories to seek answers. However, early studies have some promise.
In a small study whose intention was to know the effects of CBD on skin conditions, twenty people were involved. The participants applied a CBD-enriched ointment twice a day for about three months.
After a while, there were improvements. Irritation had reduced, minimal inflammation was recorded as well.
Experts insist that there is a need for more research on CBD's long-term benefits, effects, and effectiveness, especially if one opts to incorporate CBD in their daily skincare routine.
Potential Risks & Side Effects
Despite the minimal medical reports in the public domain concerning CBD, according to the FDA, CBD skincare products for health come with possible risks that one has to look out for.
CBD, especially if ingested Sublingually, can potentially damage the liver. However, studies are yet to prove whether CBD skincare products have similar effects. For instance, researchers are yet to conclude on the amount of CBD that can get absorbed into the bloodstream through one's skin.
While using CBD for skincare, one can potentially develop rashes. However, one might not tell whether they could be resulting from CBD or other mediums one uses in CBD.
Before trying CBD products, one ought to read the product label. After knowing the active ingredients, one might not tell how much CBD is in the product. You can as well seek guidance from an experienced doctor.
Some of the side effects in cannabis for skin use include:
Change in appetite
CBD can interact with your other medications. Hence, using CBD with other medications (concurrently) calls for a medic's oversight.
Take Away
Due to CBD's antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, research suggests that CBD can be used in treating a range of skin-related conditions.
One can apply CBD directly on their skin or use topical beauty and care products, like creams and lotions.